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发布日期:2022-11-04    作者:     来源:    点击:


1. 实验类型:辩论

2. 实验目的:学习运用英语有效地展开辩论,提高思辨能力。

3. 实验主题:Can the Development of Science and Technology Harm or Preserve Biodiversity?

4. 实验内容:针对“Can the Development of Science and Technology Harm or Preserve Biodiversity?” 这一话题展开辩论。


  (1) What efforts have human made in order to protect biodiversity?

  (2) What should college students do to call for public awareness of this issue?






  参考资料:《家园》(Home)是一部由法国导演Yann Arthus-Bertrand执导的公益影片,旨在宣传人类要携起手共同保护我们的地球家园。影片由著名女演员Glenn Close以解说的形式叙述了地球历经近四十亿年演化所建立起的平衡,被出现在地球上的二十万年的人类毁之近半。为了发展经济,我们付出的代价太过高昂,但现在不是悲观的时刻——人类还有地球50%的森林,数以千计的河流,湖泊和冰川和数以万计的物种。当我们了解了过去人类巧取豪夺地球丰饶资源的完整真相,就明白人类的消耗模式亟待改变。为了让更多人观看到此部影片,Yann Arthus-Bertrand在一次TED演讲中宣布此片没有版权,任何人都可以免费下载观看或放映。因此建议同学们在准备辩论内容之前,认真观看此影片,会得到很多宝贵的素材。






Topic: Can the Development of Science and Technology Harm or Preserve Biodiversity?

The Argument (positive)

1. The loss of biodiversity is not caused by the development of science and technology. The reason is very complicated, for example, people’s greed, economic preference, power, etc.

2. Actually, the development of science and technology is helping people to preserve biodiversity.

3. Scientists and experts from all over the world are now working very hard to help save our environment and endangered species.

4. Nowadays people are seeking green energy to reduce the pollution, implementing new ways of growing crops, managing fisheries and forests, and dealing with waste. All of these efforts are based on high technology.

5. The development of science and technology is unstoppable. So it’s not about turning back the clock on how we live or preventing the world from developing. Instead, we should use science and technology wisely to create a healthy planet.

The Counter-argument (negative)

1. Human activity has been the cause of mass extinction for hundreds of species, and the development of science and technology has accelerated this process.

2. Along with the development of science and technology is massive industrial exploitation and environmental pollution.

3. The earth is suffering greatly from global warming, air and water pollution and deforestation, which are all caused by the development process of human society.

4. Although advanced technology may help preserve some endangered species, the loss of biodiversity is to some extent irreversible, and it will take hundreds of thousands of years to restore what is now being destroyed in a few decades.

5. The development of science and technology does more harm than good to biodiversity.


Topic:Can the Development of Science and Technology Harm or Preserve Biodiversity?


Jingyi GONG


Shuai LIU, Yan YI


Erya YU, Hang YANG

A Pool of Opinions:


1. The development of science and technology is unstoppable. Being used properly, advanced technology can strike a balance between exploitation and conservation.

2. We should not blame the development of science and technology for the destruction of biodiversity. Actually it is the inefficient supervision and the incomplete policies of the government that should be blamed.

3. Nowadays, many useful scientific methods have been applied to help in preserving biodiversity. And scientists are making every effort to help the endangered species to survive and prosper.

4. In conclusion, science and technology itself does no harm to the environment and biodiversity.


1. When we use scientific and technological methods to improve our lives, great damage is done to the environment. And many environmental problems can lead to the deterioration of biodiversity.

2. The development of science and technology can affect the balance of nature. Many forests are destroyed when development requires space. And this kind of action damages our ecosystem.

3. The thought that science and technology can help recover the balance of nature is not completely right, because once the natural balance is destroyed, it can hardly be recovered. There is no satisfactory compensation.

4. To conclude, we should have a critical attitude towards the development of science and technology, and try to protect biodiversity in our daily life.

The Summary:

After their debate, we are more aware that efforts must be made by everyone to protect the biodiversity of our planet, and science and technology should be managed properly to assist this process.


组成5人小组,就“Can the Development of Science and Technology Harm or Preserve Biodiversity?”这一话题展开调研,搜集资料,准备文稿;

小组准备好场地和设备,就“Can the Development of Science and Technology Harm or Preserve Biodiversity?”这一话题展开辩论,对辩论过程进行全程摄像或录音;

3. 总结辩论小组成员的陈词,撰写一篇300-500词的“辩论”实验小结;

4. 与同伴一起填写《“辩论”实验学生自评与互评表》;

5. 提交实验报告,等待实验指导教师点评。


1. 发言层次清楚,逻辑严密。论点明晰,论据充足;

2. 合理使用辩论技巧,反应敏捷,驳论精准;

3. 发音标准、清晰,语调正确自然;


5. 语言运用总体上能满足辩论才需求;

6. 成员能团结合作,配合默契,相互尊重;

7. 着装大方,肢体语言自然,有风度及幽默感;

8. 能针对实验主题,形成有价值的辩论结果。



The Development of Science and Technology can Harm/Preserve Biodiversity


Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to today’s debate. I am the chairperson of the debate. My name is Gong Jingyi.

“Technology” is a magical thing that makes our life rich and fulfilling. But as humans benefit from the development of science and technology, many people argue that it harms the environment of many other species and hence threatens their existence; That biodiversity is being harmed.

Based on this argument, today, we are going to debate over the topic: does the development of science and technology harm or preserve biodiversity?

The affirmative’s opinion is that the development of science and technology can preserve biodiversity. The negative’s opinion is that the development of science and technology can harm biodiversity.

For the affirmative we have Liu Shuai and Yi Yan; for the negative we have Yu Erya and Yang Hang.

The rules of the debate are:

The opening as well as the closing speech of both sides will be within two minutes;

Between the opening and the closing speech, there is 6-minutes of free debate. Each side has 3 minutes to deliver their opinions;

There will be a bell at 1 minute and a second bell at 2 minutes.

Now, I would like to call upon the first speaker of the affirmative to open the debate.

First Affirmative

Good evening everyone. We hold the view that the development of science and technology can preserve biodiversity.

No one can deny the importance of biodiversity, yet it has been greatly damaged by human activities in recent years. People put the blame on the development of science and technology for the loss. However, the causes are very complicated. Power, greed and politics have all affected the precarious balance of the ecosystem.

In fact, the development of science and technology is the only way out of the problem.

Scientists and experts from all over the world are now working very hard to help save biodiversity. For example, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) plays an important role in conserving endangered species and their habitats. The global conservation plan is all based on advanced technology.

Now people are seeking green energy to reduce the pollution, implementing new ways of growing crops, managing fisheries and forests, and dealing with waste.

Over the last 130 years, more than 100,000 protected areas--national parks, reserves and the like--have been established. They cover around 12 percent of the Earth’s surface—an area larger than India and China put together. Only with the help of science and technology can we ensure that our planet’s ecosystems and habitats are properly preserved.

The development of science and technology is unstoppable. So it’s not about turning back the clock on how we live or preventing countries or communities from developing. Instead, we should use science and technology wisely to create a healthy planet, not only for us, but for all generations.

To summarize, our team holds the opinion that science and technology can help preserve biodiversity.

First Negative

Good evening everyone.

Our team holds the opinion that the development of science and technology can harm biodiversity.

Despite knowing about the importance of biodiversity for a long time, human activity has been the cause of mass extinction for hundreds of species, and the development of science and technology has accelerated this process.

A report released in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment in 2005 noted that there is largely irreversible loss in the diversity of life on Earth, with 10-30% of the mammal, bird and other species threatened with extinction, due to human actions.

Another global study concludes that due to the result of industrial fishing, 90 percent of all large fish have disappeared from the world’s oceans in the past half century.

Along with the development of science and technology is massive industrial exploitation and environmental pollution. While human beings benefit a lot from the advances, the earth is suffering greatly because of it: global warming, climate change, air and water pollution and deforestation, which have resulted in an extreme imbalance of the ecosystem.

Although advanced technology may help preserve some endangered species, the loss of biodiversity is to some extent irreversible, and it will take hundreds of thousands of years to restore what is now being destroyed in a few decades. So what science and technology can do is really very limited.

Finally, let’s recall what the earth was like ten thousand years ago. It was surely a beautiful and biologically diverse world. The development of science and technology does more harm than good to biodiversity.

Free Debate

A: The point of my fellow debater is that, with the development of science and technology, the machines we use can be improved and become more environmental-friendly, then we'll produce less pollution in the very near future. In other words, the key to improving the situation of biodiversity we are now faced with is in making progress in developing science and technology.

N: That sounds like a vision, but what about the loss of biodiversity caused by the development of science and technology now? Can we just wait for a better scientific technique or something? It's not certain whether the so-called development can really help preserve biodiversity. What we see is that the development is unbalanced and is now leading to a result of the extinction of species, artificially dangerous viruses made in labs and loss of forests.

A: I don’t agree with your opinion. The development of science and technology plays an important role in protecting biodiversity. For example, you mentioned the extinction of species, cloning--one of the greatest scientific achievements, could solve that problem. A great number of animals in danger were saved by this technique. What's more, with the development of science and technology, new energy sources are found, helping to reduce the amount pollution. Can't you agree with that?

N: Although the development of science and technology may have a positive effect on some cases, we still cannot ignore the destruction it brings to biodiversity. Science and technology is developing at an excessively high rate without enough attention on remedial measures for its negative influence. Like the recent nuclear accident in Japan, Hi-tech users were unable to control the nuclear plant they built, and then the nuclear bi-product severely destroyed much of the surrounding environment. Once biodiversity is destroyed, it can never be truly recovered. Even though there may be some methods to make up for the destruction to biodiversity, it will never be in its original state.

A: Well, let’s hear what the authorities say. On the Global biodiversity outlook, the UN Secretary-General announced that only with the development of science and technology can we save biodiversity. That means at this moment, faced with the biodiversity problems coming from several aspects of our lives, we have to admit that the development of science and technology does good to biodiversity. As for problems the development caused, that's a problem in policy. Science and technology itself does no harm to the environment and biodiversity.

N: The speed of the science and technology development should be controlled; otherwise we will soon have nothing left due to the harm brought by development. Governments should take responsibility for the development program, and make more efforts to save the species in danger and protect the ecosystem. As for us, we should have a critical attitude towards the development of science and technology, and try to protect biodiversity in our daily living. That's the most important thing we need to do right now.


It has been quite an intense debate so far.

Now I’d like to call upon the second affirmative to give a closing speech.

Second Affirmative

Our opinion is that the development of science and technology can preserve biodiversity.

First of all, it's indisputable that the development of science and technology is unstoppable. If it must be utilized to serve our living, why can't it be used to conserve the vanishing species and their habitats? Being used properly, advanced technology can strike a balance between exploitation and conservation.

So we should not blame the development of science and technology for the destruction of biodiversity. Actually it is the inefficient supervision and the incomplete policies of the government that should be blamed.

Nowadays, many useful scientific methods have been applied to help in preserving biodiversity. And scientists are making every effort to help the endangered species to survive and prosper. They are also trying to conserve the most exceptional ecosystems and habitats—places like the Amazon and South Africa.

While we’ve come a long way, there’s still more to do to ensure the stability of biodiversity. We should take advantage of advanced technologies to protect all the species that are vital for our own health and livelihoods.

In conclusion, we think the development of science and technology can preserve biodiversity. Thank you.


Thank you. And now we come to the closing speech from the negative:

Second Negative

To restate our opinion, we hold that the development of science and technology can harm biodiversity for the following reasons.

First, when we use scientific and technological methods to improve our lives, great damage is done to the environment. And many environmental problems can lead to the decrease of biodiversity. Pollution can destroy food and habitats which can are most important for animals to survive. Also plants can be harmed by dirty water or air. Environmental problems also lead to many changes on our earth such as climate change. As a result, many places are no longer suitable for other creatures to live.

Second, the development of science and technology can affect the balance of nature. Many forests are destroyed when development requires space. And this kind of action damages our ecosystem. The imbalance of nature can harm other creatures in many different ways.

Third, the thought that science and technology can help recover the balance of nature is not completely right, because once the natural balance is destroyed, it can hardly be recovered. There is no satisfactory compensation.

So, in conclusion we believe that the development of science and technology harms biodiversity. Thank you!


I’m sure we’re all much better informed thanks to our talented debaters. After their debate, we are more aware that efforts must be made by everyone to protect the biodiversity of our planet, and science and technology should be managed properly to assist this process. Thank you for a stimulating debate. Let’s give them a big round of applause.





The Development of Science and Technology can Harm/Preserve Biodiversity


针对“The Development of Science and Technology can Harm/Preserve Biodiversity这一话题展开辩论。






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