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发布日期:2022-11-04    作者:     来源:    点击:


  • 1. 作品有创意,题材新颖;

    创造性使用服装和道具; 表演自然流畅,有表现力。

  • 2. 能使用视频开窗,打造个性化场景;




  • 3. 声音清晰,无杂音;合理使用配音配乐。

  • 4. 视频清晰,画面优美;





  • 5. 团队合作,分工良好。



Scene 1: First meet on the mountain


Narrator: On the mountain by the sea stands an ordinary little restaurant. But one day, the peace has been broken.


Nezha: Oh, the mountain! The restaurant must be somewhere nearby. Wait, what is that in the sea? A girl? Or a fish! ///Nezha talks to himself, flying around.

Nezha: Impossible…I must have been flying for too long. Oh no! my hot wheels are out of power. No! (掉下去)


Maria comes up the mountain

Maria: A meteor! Oh my God! It is coming to me.


Nezha: Watch out! /// Nezha cries and knocks into Maria.


Arial: Are you OK? /// appears on the stage and helps them up.


Maria: Thank you. You are really a kind girl with such a beautiful fish tail.


Nezha and Maria: A fish tail!

Arial: Yeah, a wonderful tail, isn’t it?


Nezha: So you are a fish?


Maria: But it seems that she is definitely a girl.


Arial:Come on, haven’t you heard about the mermaid?


Nezha: So, what are you doing here,little mermaid?


Arial: I come here to, to….


Nezha and Maria: To work in the restaurant?


Maria: Yes ! How do you know ? ///They look at each other and laugh.


Scene 2: Interview(面试时)

Interviewer(胡含露) Maria(郑朝欠)

Nezha and Arial just walked out.

Interviewer: Next. //哪吒进门

Interviewer: Introduce yourself. 介绍一下你自己。

Maria: Hello, Madam, I’m Maria from Salzburg convent,often in trouble and doing wrong things, I left there and……(interrupt) 你好,女士,我是来自萨尔茨堡的修女玛利亚,因为老是惹麻烦我离开了那儿并且……(被打断)为了谋生希望在这儿工作

Interviewer: Stop! Often in trouble?

M:(in low voice)oh my god. What did I say? (regret) (低声懊悔地说,配上拍一下头的动作)天呐,我都说了些什么啊

Interviewer: OK, OK. Why do you think we will employ you? Trouble maker. (你凭什么认为我们会录用一个麻烦制造者)

M:Please, give me a chance and I won’t let you down. please ignore my past. I will change myself. (请给我一次机会,我一定不让您失望,请忽视我的过去,我会改变的)

Sing: Let it go

Let it go

Turn my back and slam the door

And here I sand and here I’ll stay

Interviewer: okay just stay here and do some cleaning. However, if you do something wrong, get out of here.好吧,你先留下打扫卫生,但是如果犯错的话立马离开这儿

Scene 3: Ariel The Little Mermaid小美人鱼爱丽儿

Character: enthusiastic, lively but forgetful 热情活泼但健忘

A:吕可 CA:郭思涵 CB:郑朝欠

Ariel: Hello sweetheart! Can I help you? 亲爱的你好呀!请问需要什么帮助吗?

Customer A: Wow hello… Are you the little…(interrupted)哇你好……你是小美……(被打断)

Ariel: Mermaid. Yes I am. (A little impatient) Jesus I hate this title. Just call me Ariel. (grin)人鱼,对我是。(小不耐烦)天哪我讨厌这个称呼,叫我爱丽儿就好啦!(咧嘴笑)

Customer B: Oookay Ariel! Why are you here? Are you bored with the life in the sea? 哦哦爱丽儿!你怎么会在这里呢?你厌倦了海里的生活了吗?

Ariel: Well actually I was just supposed to travel here for a couple of days but I lost my way home… I am out of money so I have to work…

(???????totally confused) (know something after looking down on the menu in her arms)

Hello girls! What can I do for you? – Nice sweater!

嗯其实我本来只是来这儿旅游个几天但是迷路了,没钱了所以需要打工……(突然眨眼,一脸困惑 发生了什么???视频上跳出大大的“???”,并且镜头做个抖动特效)(停顿2秒后,看了一眼自己手上拿着的菜单突然明白了什么,恢复一脸正常的表情)

你好啊!请问可以为你做什么? 哇你的毛衣真好看呢。

Customer A&B: Ha? (look at each other, confused)

Customer A: You have just stood here and talked a lot to me for a while…你就站在这里和我们说了好一阵子的话呢……

Customer B: About your experiences. 在说你的经历。

Ariel: Oh have I? I am so sorry. I am a little bit…forgetful. My friends always laugh at me about that. Please forgive me. 哦是吗?真不好意思我有点健忘。我的朋友经常拿这个嘲笑我。原谅我!

Customer A: Well it’s OK. //Customer B: It’s alright. 没关系啦。

Customer A: (whisper to B, excited) So it’s true that fish only has 7 second’s memory. 所以鱼只有7秒记忆是真的!

Customer B: (whisper) I don’t know. If so it is not funny but truly a kind of suffering, I think. 我不知道诶。如果是真的,那真不是个笑话,在我看来倒挺折磨的。

Ariel: Fish? Well we mermaids are much advanced than those fish guys in many way, of course including memory. But we are distant relatives so I would be appreciated if you don’t order any fish. 鱼?啊我们美人鱼在很多方面都比鱼兄弟高级啦,当然也包括记忆力咯。不过吧我们是远房亲戚,所以如果你们不点鱼肉的话我会很感激的。

Customer B: Wow I was supposed to order fish and chips… Um Okay. Macaroni and cheese for one please. 哇我本来还打算点炸鱼薯条呢……唔好的,请来一份起司通心粉。

Customer: For two. 要两份。

Ariel: Thank you so much for your kindness. May the Lord bless you. So… Two macaroni…maca…Sorry, macaroni and what? 真是太感谢善良的你们啦!愿主保佑你们。嗯好,两份通心粉……(以下翻译省略)

Customer A: Cheese. Macaroni and cheese.

Ariel: Okay. Okay Macaroni and cheese……Ahh what and cheese???

Customer B: MA-CA-RO-NI.

Ariel: Macaroni and cheese……Maca what cheese??? Macaroons?

Customer A&B: Macaroni--- and--- Cheese! (couldn’t help laughing out)(忍不住笑出声)

Ariel: Macaroni and cheese. Macaroni and cheese. Macaroni and cheese. Okay got it. I got it. (walk away and murmur) Macaroni and cheese…Macaroni and cheese…

Customer A: It’s unbelievable! I feel like I am dreaming! (配上表达不可思议的肢体动作)

Customer B: Sometimes life is even more incredible than a fairy tale, huh? No it IS a fairy tale. She is the little mermaid! .... 生活有时远比童话精彩哈?哦不对这就是童话。她是小美人鱼诶!(没说完就被小美人鱼的呼喊打断)

Ariel: (To the chef) Fish and chips for two please! .... Oh gosh they’ve ordered FISH!! How can they…Huh! 两份炸鱼薯条!……哦天哪他们点了炸鱼薯条,怎么可以……!!

Customer A&B: What???

Scene 4: Nezha 哪吒(希望后期走路的那段可以加快速度)


C1:胡含露 C2:郭思涵 Nezha:哪吒 Arial:吕可

Nezha:Good morning! Can I help you?


Customer 1:Good morning, I want…… (Lift the head) Oh! (surprised) Are you……Are you Nezha?


Nezha: You know me? Am I famous? Wow, that is cool! (face around happily…Then hit a waiter who ends the plate.) ……Sorry! Sorry! Are you okay?


Arial:(have a sigh)I am all right. But be careful next time.


Nezha: Yes I will. (Help)


Nezha: So where are we? Oh, are you guys interested in my stories?


Customer2:Of course, would you like to tell us something?


Nezha:(excited) Sure! My full name is Li Nezha. The last time I…… (ten minutes later…) Exciting isn’t it?(兴奋脸)当然!我的全名是李哪吒,上一次我。。。(十分钟后<大屏幕显示>)多么令人激动,对吧!

Boss: Nezha, what are you doing? Here needs help! (Speak loudly)


Nezha: I’m here! (speak loudly)



Nezha: Sorry, are you ready to order now?


Customer1 and2 laugh


Customer 1: Maybe you could recommend something for the main course?


Nezha: Certainly, the T-bone steak is very good. I would suggest that you try this.


Customer2: That’s a good idea. I love beef steak. And I would like a cup of juice please.


Customer1: I would like the beef steak too, and a glass of red wine.


Nezha: Okay. Be right back.


Scene 5: Maria (a nun from Salzburg convent,oftenin trouble and doing wrong things, she left the convent and come to the reataurant)玛利亚(音乐之声中的人物)来自萨尔茨堡修道院,再修道院老是惹麻烦于是离开了修道院来到了餐厅工作)

Try to use music to express everything.

Customer: 吕可 Boss: Maria:郑朝欠

While working(工作时)


Boss: What are you two doing? (angrily) thinking of quitting your jobs? 你们干嘛呢,不想干了吗


Boss:Don’t just sand there, gather up the pieces of broken dishes. Hurry up! (别愣在那儿,快收拾碎盘子,赶紧的)

M:sing : and the only thing that’s left to do is cry cry cry

Nothing left for me to say to you but bye bye bye

Boss: what are you singing ? Do you wan to leave?唱什么唱,想被开除吗?

M: No, no, no. I didn’t mean that. I just can’t help singing. Please forgive me.不不不,我不是那个意思,我只是情不自禁唱了出来, 请原谅我。

Oneday,Maria gets tired of cleaning and she goes to the boss…

sing :Maria: Anything they can do I can do better......I can do anything better than them

Boss: No, you can't

M: Yes, I can

B: No, you can't

M: Yes, I can

B: No, you can't

M: Yes, I can, yes, I can

M: Anything they can be I can be greater

......Sooner or later I'm greater than them

B: No, you're not

M: Yes, I am

B: No, you're not

M: Yes, I am

B: No, you're not

M: Yes, I am, yes I am

Boss: okay stop singing. Try for it.行了别唱了,你试试吧

M: Thank you very much.(happily) 太感谢您了(十分开心)


Customer: Can you recommend me something to drink?

M; sing: No amount of coffee


No amount of crying


No amount of whiskey


No amount of wine


No, nothing else will do


Oh no. I forget the tune. 糟糕,忘记音调了

You’d better order a soup. It’s really delicious

C: okay, a soup, please.



character: manager boss Maria Ariel Nezha

(One day, Nezha, Ariel, Maria are cleaning up the tables.一天,三个服务生正在擦桌子的时候)

Manager: You, come up here. I have something serious to announce.


(Three waitresses come around.)


Manager: As all of your guys know, it is, the LAST day of your probationary period.


(Three waitresses lower their heads, silently)


Manager (turns to look at Maria): Maria, step forward.


Maria steps forward.


Manager: What we want is the diligent employee instead of a singer. Your songs always get our guests confused whether it is a restaurant or a pub.


Maria sighs. Maria叹气

Manager: Go back. And, next, Ariel.


Maria steps back while Ariel steps forward.


Manager: You do get our restaurant little bit more attractive. And then? A 7-second-memory girl? It just, just bothers the guests a lot.


Ariel: That’s my mistake. But, but, I do not intend to do so.


Manager (peers at Nezha):As for you, Nezha.


Ariel goes back and Nezha turns her head up.


Manager: Your high speed is what I appreciate. But you totally don’t stand out from all the other girls.


Nezha feels upset.哪吒很沮丧

Boss: BUT, all of your guys have to know one more thing--- we decide to employ you as our formal staff owing to your hard work these days.


A, M&N: Wow! That’s cool! 哇!太高兴了!
