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发布日期:2022-11-04    作者:     来源:    点击:


  • 1. 作品有创意,题材新颖;

    创造性使用服装和道具; 表演自然流畅,有表现力。

  • 2. 能使用视频开窗,打造个性化场景;




  • 3. 声音清晰,无杂音;合理使用配音配乐。

  • 4. 视频清晰,画面优美;





  • 5. 团队合作,分工良好。






学生:陈靖荞 廖倩瑶

1、 主持人:Two college school gates in Beijing are in sharp contrast. Passers-by all stop to watch this amazing scene.(蓝箱背景切换成中戏和北邮校门对比图)

(镜头突然切到某北邮学生):Do we really have a school gate???(震惊脸)

2、 主持人:December 8,2017,the houseparent on HongFu campus of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications made a sudden and violent attack…sorry(假装口误)…the houseparent raided the student dormitory and found many forbidden objects.

主持人点评:I sincerely advise the houseparent searching from the uppermost floor next time. You know what I am talking about.(挤眉弄眼)

3、 主持人:HongFu campus of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications is still not air-conditioned.

(镜头突然切到某北邮学生):Excuse me? Can it be called news? I swear by my final grade of C language, it will be headline news if there is air-conditioning on HongFu!

4、 主持人:The HongFu campus of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications is unfortunately faced with moving away, so the English Virtual Reality Experiment group consist of 吴漾、沈凌儿、廖倩瑶、何含玥 and 陈靖荞 decided to make a video about HongFu and the food to remember our HongFu, our home. Now let’s move on to see what they have done!





-How do you think about the food in Hong Fu?

Emmm,I think it is OK. But some restaurants are too hot.

-Which one do you think is the hottest?

Of course is the abnormal chicken wing in FengKuangKaoChi.

Aha! I cannot wait to challenge it. Thank you.


- Which food do you think is the most unique in Hong Fu?

Emmm,Let me see, Aha, I think is the Hongyou Dumplings.

Why do you think so?

-Well ,I am going to taste them later. Thank you for your support.


-What food do you like most in Hong Fu?

I strongly recommend Shaoxiancao, Diaozhabing, and little hot pot

-And could you tell me where they are?

All right, they are distributed in the road between the student dormitories and the second canteen.

-Thank you,l am going to seek them in Hong Fu.


Guests:Liao& Chen


Shen: Welcome back to our studio. It seems that everyone has their favorite Hongfu’s food in their heart. So we collected 5 popular food in Hongfu and mixed them up, to see whether these food left a deep impression on student’s mind. Here we invited two students, liao and chen! Hi!

Liao/Chen: Hi!

Shen: So you two will taste the mixture and then tell us the name of the food, and even the restaurant it belongs to. So what’s your feeling now? Chen?


Shen: And what do you expect it to be?


Shen: And now ,let’s welcome our magical dishes!

Shen: OMG, look at the color hahahaha! So smell it first, what’s your feeling?

Chen/Liao: smell/color

Shen: And you can have a try.


Shen: What do you think it is ?


Shen: I gonna try it.

Chen/Liao:(guess the food)

Shen: So are you sure it is the right answer? Let’s see the video!


Shen: You’re really familiar with hongfu’s food. Good job! It seems that hongfu’s food really left a deep impression on our mind. So althouth we are going to leave hongfu soon, hongfu’s food will definitely become a sweet memory forever in our heart. This is the end of our programme, see you next time!