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Fairy Tales

发布日期:2022-11-04    作者:     来源:    点击:


  • 1. 作品有创意,题材新颖;

    创造性使用服装和道具; 表演自然流畅,有表现力。

  • 2. 能使用视频开窗,打造个性化场景;




  • 3. 声音清晰,无杂音;合理使用配音配乐。

  • 4. 视频清晰,画面优美;





  • 5. 团队合作,分工良好。


Fairy Tales

Gender exchange

Characters: an English teacher in college

An occupational dancer, who also likes playing computer games.(一个职业的舞者,同时喜爱打游戏)

the boy's girlfriend

the teacher's student1

the teacher's student2

Main Plot:

旁白交代:The tired teacher drove her car down the road. Suddenly, the boy who played games at home all the night appeared in front of the car, and the car hit the boy. The teacher was so nervous that she hit the tree. Both the teacher and the boy were sent to hospital, and when they woke up, they found they exchanged their bodies with each other.


T: Who am I? Where's my hair? What ‘s wrong with my voice?

B: (lying near the teacher…looking at the teacher, shocked)You are me! You should be me! Then, Who am I?

T: Oh god! This can’t be true! I can't believe it! Our bodies have exchanged with each other’s!

B:No, this is impossible!I’ll have a very important dancing competition next week. How can I dance with this body?

T: It's gonna be kidding me, I have classes everyday,my students,my workmates must think I am crazy!

B:(Sighing and scratching his head)

T: Tomorrow, you have to work instead ofme[这句话汉语是什么意思?], I 'll tell you what to do,and I'll sit in the first row. Hope they won't find it out.

B: I hope so... ...


In the classroom, the boy is standing on the podium, and students are sitting quietly to listen to the "teacher".

B: ok, let’s start. As we all know, we will have an exam next week. So, in order to have a good mood to get an ordinary performance, this class, I think we should relax ourselves!

S: wow!!

(The students got so excited that the master heard and came in)

M: Hey! What are you guys doing?The exam is drawing near, will [It appears all of you have prepared well and have enough confidence to get full marks?]you get full mark?

M: (pointing at the “teacher”) Are you kidding? This is an essential moment, your work has been perfect?[This is an essential moment for students to prepare and fight for the approaching exam. Make sure you have done your work. ][看不懂]

B: (lower his head) ok......So......Let's begin our class.


B: ok......today......I talk you[由下文,这个男孩子英语不好,说的是中式英语所以让同学们很吃惊。所以还是应该改为:I talk, you dance 来体现出下文的中式英语] dance......maybe you like this topic......

S: (shocked) What happened to our teacher? Did she speak Chinglish?

B: Maybe......you know street dance most......street dance is what......you know? Somebody know?

S:It’s the most amazing class I have ever had.

B: Nobody know? ok......

The bell rang.

B: (be happy and relaxed immediately) Now, have a rest!


On the street, the boy's girlfriend is holding the hand of her "boyfriend". They are discussing what to buy for the girlfriend's birthday.

T: Hey honey, your birthday is coming. What do you want for your birthday?

G: You guess! Don’t you know what I want most?

T: Aha, I know, of course. Oh, your College English Test Band 4 is coming , you must want a test set! [看不懂

]I happened to have a great test set, I will give it….

G (shake off her boyfriend’s hand): What?? Are you kidding me??

T (embarrassedly, confusedly): Oh…oh yeah, of course, just a joke, haha. Maybe you want an English novel! I have many interesting novels! What kind of novel do you like to read?

G (shockedly, angrily): You must be deliberate! You don’t love me at all! I’m going to break up with you!!

The girl leaves angrily and sadly. The teacher stands there, and doesn’t know what’s wrong.


The dancing competition is coming. The boy and the teacher go to the competition together, and the teacher(真正的老师,但是身体确实男生的) tries to persuade the organizer to permit the boy (真正的男生,老师的身体)to take part in the competition on behalf of her.

T:Oh , my dear friend , there is something wrong with my soul ,no no , no, with my head ,as you know I need a rest , and I have found an excellent dancer---my teacher .


Sp: I know, I know. But we have waited for your excellent performance for a long time. If there is nothing too serious , I believe you will not let me down.


T:Oh, my god(touching his head)! What a painful headache I have to bear! How can you be so cruel ?



Sp: But……I can’t decide on this, there are still three days before the competition, you can have a good rest these days, and I believe you will have a wonderful performance.


B: This competition is very important for me, my parents are both opposed to my choice of dancing, I want to show them that I really love dancing, and actually I am quite good at it. But now, I am losing it, I am losing the chance to chase my dream……


T: No! You are not losing it! As a teacher, I do admire such a student like you who can chase their dreams bravely. I will try my best to help. There are three days left, you can teach me how to dance, I really want to help you.


B: Really? I can’t believe it! Let’s start to practice now!

Three days later, the boy and the teacher come to the competition place, and they are very confident.

Sp: Now, we will have the No.3 dancer on stage to perform.


B: You can do it!


The teacher goes on the stage, and begins to dance.


Sp: As I said, you can make it! What a wonderful performance!


T:T hank you!



A bolt of lightning struck the boy and the teacher and they faint at the same time.


After a long time, they wake up in the hospital.


T: (look at the mirror) I’ve come back! I don’t have to endure the bad temper of my “girlfriend” at last!


B: Thank God! I don’t have to face the naughty students in the end!


T: I finally realize how precious my life was! I will try my best to cherish my life!


B: You’re right. I won’t complain about my life again.


The two people embrace.


Through this experience, the two people become close friends and realize the real meaning of life!

