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The rich love

发布日期:2022-11-04    作者:     来源:    点击:


1. 作品有创意,题材新颖;

创造性使用服装和道具; 表演自然流畅,有表现力。

2. 能使用视频开窗,打造个性化场景;




3. 声音清晰,无杂音;合理使用配音配乐。

4. 视频清晰,画面优美;





5. 团队合作,分工良好。


The rich love





船员(抱歉的):Dear, I am going to sea again tomorrow. The weather is not very good these two days, there may be a storm, but we will be rich when we come back .This trip is longer. It may take more than a month. You must take care of yourself at home .

妇女:(不耐烦的)How do you go to sea again? You look at the husband, go into business early, let the family lead a lady's life! Look at you again! What day is it?

船员:(坚定地)I'm sorry, honey, I'll make you a better day! I'll be able to renovate the house this time and make you less cold



旁白:A week went by, and the crew was unsound

妇女(自言自语):He should be back soon. It's been a week

旁白:Two weeks went by

妇女(焦急的):Why hasn't he come back? The food is almost out of the house!

旁白:In the third week, the family had no money, and the woman fell asleep at the table. She had a dream that the crew came back and brought back a rare black pearl


船员(兴奋的):Dear, we sold the black pearl, renovated the house, and then bought you a nice dress

妇女:No, you sold the black pearls for business. I've had enough of the cold and hungry days. Those who do business end up making a lot of money, and you go and do business

船员(深深地看了一眼妇女):Well, dear, since you want me to do business so well, I'll do business .Please remember,I love you.

旁白:The crew sold the black pearls, bought their own boats, began to do the seafood business, and the business was unexpectedly successful, and the crew became richer and richer.

At the same time, the husband becomes busier and busier . He has to fly to many places for business just in a short time.And He hardly has time to have a rest.There is no doubt that his health becomes poorer and poorer……And since they became rich, the wife started spending most of her time in shopping and attending the parties held for the rich women. One day……


妻子(看了丈夫一眼,然后一边照小镜子补妆一边说):Oh, you just come back. What about Japan?

丈夫(一边脱外套一边满脸无奈):Oh honey, (突然一阵眩晕,丈夫停顿了一下,摇了摇头试图让自己清醒然后继续说,并把衣服放在沙发上)I haven’t been Japan before. But I have just ocme back from its neighbor country Korea…(丈夫走到妻子身边坐下)


妻子(飞快放下小镜子抬起头):Oh it’s time to go to the party!McQueen will come tonight… I have to be quick! (喃喃自语并起身去穿大衣)

丈夫(一个人坐在沙发上,满脸疲惫与失落):What’s party?

妻子(穿好大衣,匆匆地走向门):Oh…a fashion party and the fashion master McQueen will attend it and share some knowledge about fashion with us…You will fly to Korea tonight ?(手放在门把手上,回头)


妻子(低头看表,打断,开门出去):Oh...time’s up!have a good time in Japan!

丈夫(坐在沙发上,开始咳嗽不止,颤抖着手拿出药瓶把药倒进嘴里,喝了一口桌上已经凉了的白开水,然后瘫在沙发上,回头看门,轻轻呢喃):Have a good time,too……

旁白:Gradually, the wife becomes bored with the life full of shopping and parties.She started to feel lonely and always complains his husband’s business.One day, when her husband has just come back from another country and feels really tired because he haven’t had a good rest for since a month earlier.


妻子(百无聊赖地坐在沙发上剪指甲):Oh honey, you come back finally…How about attending a party with me tonight? It required all the participants bring their mates.

丈夫(满脸疲惫,十分犹豫,手里拿着刚刚脱下的衣服):But I have just worked outside and ...(疲惫的的语气)I don’t have a good sleep for almost a month.I feel really tired…

妻子(满脸期待地看着丈夫):I know I know…But I do really want to attend the party…We can come back early and you can have a good sleep then!


妻子(开心地拿过丈夫手里的衣服放在沙发上,推着丈夫走向门):Let’s dress up ourselves!

旁白:The couple went to the party and the wife had a good time.While she didn’t notice that the face of his husband was becoming paler and paler.And in the end,they arrived in their home.


妻子(开心地):Wow, the dress you brought me from France is really beautiful!Almost every woman saw it asked me where I bought this dress...(丈夫直起身拿起桌上的空杯子起身接水,突然捂住了胸口,满脸痛苦,慢慢蜷缩着身子)

妻子(转过身一脸骄傲的):And when I told them that this dress is the unique one in this world and the price of it,(挑眉,仰头)they all envious..(扑通,丈夫倒在了沙发上...)


妻子:honey,honey, what’s wrong with you? Don’t frighten me! Go and call an ambulance, be quick!

医生:I’m regret to tell you that your husband got a severe heart disease because of staying up late all nights. And ,the situation is beyond our control.

妻子:Please, doctor, please.(sobbing) I beg you, save my husband! I would like to spend all my money to save his life!

医生:Calm down madam, I understand you but I’m sorry.

妻子:honey, don’t leave me, I’m sorry, I should have taken care of your health. I would rather get nothing but your health. honey!

旁白:His wife back to the crew since doing business, her actions, there is a deep regret, at the moment, she just wanted her husband to return to her side, she deeply realized family is more important than anything, she would like to what all don't, as long as her husband, as long as there is family to accompany the life, wealth or not is no longer important
